In this point, we have prepared a presentation of the possible improvements our school could make in order to help members of the LGBTIQ+ group.
1. New rules to respect each other
The school should prepare a guide of respectable vocabulary that should be used in class. Students should never use insults or look down on people of this group. In Spanish is very typical to refer to gay boys as “maricón” or to lesbians “bollera”, so these words should be banned by the rules of the school. Also, mean vocabulary regarding other members such as Transgendered or Bisexuals, among others should be forbidden.
2. Prepare anti-bullying speeches
We think that a very good idea to stop harassment towards members of the LGBTIQ+ group would be speeches prepared by specialized teachers or people who could come to school who have prepared themselves in this field, such as psychologists. In this case, students would learn that bullying is never permitted and should be stopped from the very beginning.
3. Protect each other
Sometimes when we see bullying near us we never do anything to stop it. In order to change that, we have to react against these actions. When we see any type of harassment we should help the attacked person and ask the bully to stop. Also, speaking with teachers about the situation and making them know what the problem is could be a good idea.
4. More interesting classes about this topic
We think that these lessons have been very interesting for us and we think that similar classes could be prepared in order to help us know more about the topic. Films, songs or other different projects can help us learn new things about different topics. In this case, the LGBTIQ+ world.
Group 4