miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2018

What can schools do for the LGBTIQ+ members?

In this point, we have prepared a presentation of the possible improvements our school could make in order to help members of the LGBTIQ+ group. 

1. New rules to respect each other

The school should prepare a guide of respectable vocabulary that should be used in class. Students should never use insults or look down on people of this group. In Spanish is very typical to refer to gay boys as “maricón” or to lesbians “bollera”, so these words should be banned by the rules of the school. Also, mean vocabulary regarding other members such as Transgendered or Bisexuals, among others should be forbidden. 

2. Prepare anti-bullying speeches

We think that a very good idea to stop harassment towards members of the LGBTIQ+ group would be speeches prepared by specialized teachers or people who could come to school who have prepared themselves in this field, such as psychologists. In this case, students would learn that bullying is never permitted and should be stopped from the very beginning. 

3. Protect each other

Sometimes when we see bullying near us we never do anything to stop it. In order to change that, we have to react against these actions. When we see any type of harassment we should help the attacked person and ask the bully to stop. Also, speaking with teachers about the situation and making them know what the problem is could be a good idea.

4. More interesting classes about this topic

We think that these lessons have been very interesting for us and we think that similar classes could be prepared in order to help us know more about the topic. Films, songs or other different projects can help us learn new things about different topics. In this case, the LGBTIQ+ world. 

Resultado de imagen de lgbt discrimination at school

Group 4

LGBTIQ+ important members

There are many people part of the LGBTIQ+ movement who, through the years, have become icons for this society. In this presentation, we have chosen four of them and we are going to explain why they are so important.
  • Lily and Lana Wachowsky:
These two cinema directors became famous with their film trilogy “Matrix”. When they filmed this trilogy, they were both men. What is important about them is the fact that both of them changed their gender from men to women and finally they also decided to go under surgery and change their biological sex. They are representatives of the LGBTIQ+ movement because they helped to make transgender people more visible.

  • Ellen DeGeneres:
This talk-show host has her own program called The Ellen’s Show, in which she invites different famous people to talk about their lives. When she decided to tell her sexual orientation, it caused a big impact of the USA film and TV world. But, instead of becoming a nightmare for her, this releasing made her even more famous. She has become a role model for the lesbians and nowadays is seen as one of the most influential LGBTIQ+ group member.

  • RuPaul Andre Charles
RuPaul Andre Charles, known as RuPaul, was the first American Drag Queen to become famous in the USA. At the age of 30 he started to host modelling programs and some years later he started is music career. Apart from doing music, nowadays RuPaul hosts his own TV program called RuPaul’s Drag Race, in which the best Drag of America is chosen among some participants. Such is the impact of this program that RuPaul has become an icon among the LGBTIQ+ members.

  • Mark Ashton

Mark Ashton is the protagonist of the film we have watched in class, “Pride” (2014). We thought it was important to include him in this list because he did a lot of things for the LGBTIQ+ rights. He began to participate in acts supporting this group’s right at the age of 22. As it can be seen in the film, he helped the miners with is group of LGBTIQ+ rights defenders. Unfortunately, he died at the age of 26 because of HIV.

Group 3

martes, 22 de mayo de 2018

Meaning of the LGBTIQ+ flag

Our activity was to explain the different colours the LGBTIQ+ flag has and the meaning of them. In order to do that, we have chosen this image to explain them: 

(Brief explanation of each colour, one or two per participant in the group)

-Of all these colours (this diversity), would you exclude any?

We think that all colours are important because they show the important features of life to live in harmony. We wouldn’t exclude any, but we would include more colours such as the pink one, that would mean sexual equality, as the transsexual flag has that colour on it.

-Are all these colours and their meaning important to us?

All colours in the flag are important because they show what is important in life. If there is no harmony, there is no gratitude, or if there is not friendship, there is no serenity. All colours are important for the others and, of course, for us.

-Also, are they important in our life?
From our point of view, all colours are important and, as we have said, more colours could be added to make reference to other areas of life.

Group 2

Equal marriage, which would be your reaction?

In the video that we have watched a young kid can be seen speaking to a married gay couple. We are going to speak about his reaction.

-What does he say?

He says that is really strange to see two husbands because a married couple is a husband and a wife. His face is showing confusion. He says something like: “Wife is a girl and husband is a boy, but you two are husbands!”

-How does he feel?

He feels confused because what he thought about marriage is different with this couple. But after some questions, when he understands that both are husband and husband he says that it is funny and he invites them to play ping pong.

-Can you imagine yourself in his situation?

We can imagine ourselves in this situation because we don’t know any married gay couple so it would be also surprising for us but we understand and we accept it without problem.

Group 1